California Wildlife Photography Workshop Dates Released

california wildlife photography workshop

There are workshops covering everything from salamanders to sea otters!

In anticipation of next year, I finalized the dates for a bunch of California wildlife photography workshop classes, mainly around Santa Cruz and the San Francisco Bay Area. You can check out all the info here:

Workshop dates are as follows:
February 27th, 2016 – Santa Cruz and Moss Landing, California – Sea Otter Photography Workshop
February 28th, 2016 – Santa Cruz, California – Salamanders of the central coast of California Photography Workshop
May 14th-15th, 2016 – Pinnacles National Park, California – California Condor Photography Workshop
May 21st, 2016 – Santa Cruz, California – Brown Pelican Photography Workshop
August 20th, 2016 – Point Reyes National Seashore, California – Tule Elk Photography Workshop
October, 22nd through November 5th, 2016 – New Zealand – Birds of New Zealand Photography Workshop

Steve Winter’s Tigers Forever Book is Available now!

Tigers Forever Book Cover

Tigers Forever Book Cover

Every photographer has their photographer heroes. People we look up to because their pictures are amazing, or because they tell great stories with their images. Sometimes it’s because they are nice people, or because they want to change the world with their images. I have many photographer heroes, but one of them is very special because his goals are similar to mine. Steve Winter wants to make the world aware of the plight of big cats, he does so with stunning images that spread their conservation message. His use of camera traps is spectacular and his photo-journalistic style is exactly what is needed to tell these often sad yet potentially inspiring stories.

I have had the pleasure of meeting Steve once. I helped him and his assistant with National Geographic camera traps for his upcoming story on Mountain Lions (you may have seen this video about getting the picture of a mountain lion with the Hollywood sign), up here in the Bay Area. He was kind to me and didn’t make me feel any less of a photographer.  Even though he is of course a huge deal. A total class act, and I appreciated that immensely.

I am telling you all this is because Steve is on the crusade again, this time fighting for Tigers. His new book Tigers Forever is available for purchase now. Go order a copy if you care about tigers or at the very least want to see amazing wildlife photography!

You can order it off the book’s website: